To harness ecological research to integrated land management
especially in the coastal zone.
About LAB Coastal
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LAB Coastal,
The Maylands,
Back Lane, Holywell,
St Ives, Cambs
PE27 4TQ

LAB Coastal’s Objectives

L A B Coastal offers a flexible approach to client-orientated survey, research, monitoring and management. The company aims to provide the highest quality services for assessment of environmental change on ecosystems, environmental impact assessments, system design for environmental monitoring and habitat restoration and creation.
L A B Coastal is, however, deeply committed to basic research. It is often assumed that this can be side-stepped in order to get down to commissioned research. This is to neglect the fundamental scientific truths which must underpin any work in the applied field.
LAB Coastal’s Vision

L A B Coastal initiates, conducts and publishes high quality research into ecological processes, particularly in the coastal zone, and undertakes commissioned research and consultancy into specific land management problems with special reference to the coastal zone. This facilitates the integrated management of the natural resources of the living coastline.